My neighbor and i check together, but find nothing everything is in its place and all of the windows and doors are locked. I start to freak out even more, and my mom calls our neighbor to check our house to make sure there was no intruder in it. it sounded like someone dropped a 300 page book onto the floor it was really loud. I look up at the ceiling, and then hear a loud bang from upstairs, right in the center of the living room. I call my mom panicked, hyperventilating, I begin to pace, and then run into the corner of the room. the footsteps became louder, and it sounded like they are coming for the basement door. my dog them looks to the top of the staircase, and bolts to hide underneath the stairs. but after a couple more minutes the noises became louder they were the sound of footsteps clicking against out wood floor in our liviing room, which was located directly above me. i personally do not believe on ghosts, so I assumed it was maybe the house settling. i continue working on my project for another 20 minuets, but over that time I hear sounds coming from upstairs. but iwas like, whatever, its probably cause were home alone. But then, my dog would continuously pace, which made me sort of nervous. i didnt mind at the time, because she usually did this.

Today i was home alone working on a project when all of a sudden my dog ran downstairs(i was in the basement) and layed down, watching me work. The four animals did not report any anomalous reactions. Robert Morris's experiment was repeated in another room of the same house in which no fatal event had occurred. However, it is known by all the fame that the rats have to presage shipwrecks and disembark from the ship the first to be saved. The rat did not react in any special way.His attention was directed toward the chair that caused the cat's fear. The rattlesnake took a defensive / aggressive stance, as if facing an imminent danger in that lonely room.From this position he huffed hostile towards another empty chair for several minutes, after which he was removed from the room. Immediately the cat jumped to the ground and took refuge under an empty chair. After a few seconds the cat climbed onto his caretaker's shoulders, wounding his back with his nails. The cat stepped into his caretaker's arms.His hair stood up on edge, he growled and ran away fleeing the room, refusing to enter again. The dog entered with his caretaker and barely penetrated a meter.The experiment consisted of entering a room where they committed crimes with a dog, a cat, a rattlesnake and a rat, separately. This home had led to bloody deaths and was rumored to be populated by ghosts. Psychologist Robert Morris, an investigator of paranormal phenomena, conducted an experiment in a Kentucky house in the 1960s.