For every trick you won above the total in your contract, add 1 point to your total. At the end of a round, if you and your partner managed to win at least the number of tricks in your contract, multiply the number of tricks in your contract by 10 points. Keep playing like this until everyone is out of cards. The winner of the trick collects the 4 cards, then plays the next leading suit. If the leading suit isn’t spades, and one or more spades have been played, the player with the highest spade wins the trick instead. Once all 4 players have gone, the player with the highest card in the suit that led wins the trick. If you don’t have a card in that suit, you can play any card from your hand. After the first player leads, the rest of the players take turns playing a card in the same suit if they have one. However, players can’t lead with spades until a spade has been used to trump a leading suit. That player can play a card in any suit from their hand. Trickster Spades works on more devices so you and your friends can play where you want, when you want, with whom you want.
Once both teams have a contract, the round starts with the player to the left of the dealer. Mirror Suicide Whiz Trickster Spades’ House Rules options + + Play Across Devices Have an iPhone, but your friends are on Android No problem. Backgammon Canasta Cribbage Euchre Gin Rummy Hearts Pachisi Pinochle Spades Trivia Yahtzee.
Let each player announce how many tricks they think they’ll win, which is called their bid. Come join us for free online Yahtzee in Social, Competitive, Tournament Play, League and Ladders and Special Events. Keep in mind that spades trump every suit, regardless of what suit leads. To win a trick, you need to have the highest card in the suit that leads. The object of each round is to take at least the number of tricks that you bid before the round begins. Then, take a look at your cards and estimate how many tricks you think you can win that round.

Have the dealer deal 13 cards to each player. Whoever draws the highest card deals first. To start the game, each player draws a card. To score points, try to win the number of tricks that you and your teammate bid at the beginning of the round. The goal of the game is to be the team that reaches 500 points first. Spades is a strategic card game that’s played with two teams of two.